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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Stumped by Doors and Dancing with Swords

The next day Aldabrode announced his decision to let Janus and Janella attempt the quest, if they could make their way safely to his hoard and secure the holy item therein with which they might sanctify the tomb. He led them to a set of three doors. One door always leads through, and all the statements on a single door must be considered together as true or false.

Door 1: This door leads to a spiked pit trap.
Door 2: An odd number of doors are telling the truth, and Doors 1 and 2 both lead to something nastier than a spiked pit trap.
Door 3: Door 2 is lying, and this is the correct door.

After much deliberation, they went through the last door. Before them were another three doors:

Door 1: None of these doors is for the faint of heart. Truth is the right way.
Door 2: You are faint of heart.
Door 3: Therefore you can take none of these doors.

They opened the last door again, and discovered themselves in a tiny room. A panel slid down and blocked the entrance. After about twenty minutes, the panel slid up again. They tried the first door, and it led to yet another three doors.

Door 1: Exactly two of these doors are lying, and this is the correct door.
Door 2: The door with the truth is the correct door.
Door 3: This is the correct door.

Opening the center door, they were blinded by the flash of silver from Aldabrode's hoard. As they eyes adjusted, they could make out a flashing and humming coming from the corner. A beautiful sword came up to them and announced in Gnome, the bard translating:

"Aldabrode has informed me of your quest. I am willing to help, if one of you is strong enough to wield me. You must last against me in combat for a single minute; if you can manage to strike me during that minute, I shall lessen the time. And do not fear, I will not kill you. I wish only to test your skill. Ready, begin."

Janus stepped up to the dancing blade and struck at it again and again with considerable skill, aided by the bard's music and remaining nearly unscathed. Soon, the sword acknowledged his victory.

"Impressive. You have won me. My name is Pearl. I can fight on my own, but I am more powerful in my companion's hands."

Pearl offered herself hilt first. Janus took the sleek silvery blade, which shone and made sounds like the sea, and put her in his scabbard. Pearl popped out again and lifted a purple cloak off a hook on the wall, presenting it to Janella. Janella and Janus emerged from the treasure room, wearing their prizes.

Aldabrode, while noting that they had failed at one of the doors, offered to give them anything they required for their journey. They requested rations, and Janus also traded his studded leather armor for a shirt of chain links Aldabrode had taken from some unlucky dragon-hunter.

They set out to skirt the foothills as directed by Aldabrode, with their mare Murphy, and without little Aldie, because the Wilds were unfriendly to dragons.

As they were riding along in the dusk, they heard a snapping sound, and saw an elven figure jumping into one of the scrubby desert trees. Chasing it was a canine collection of bones. They dismounted and Janus ran forward and shot an arrow straight through where its heart should have been. Janella beginning playing her bagpipes again as the wolf skeleton rushed Janus. He was able to draw Pearl before the skeleton could harm him, however, and he struck it two blows. His short sword was inconsequential, but Pearl released some of her power in holy energy and clove the skeleton's head from its shoulders, making it collapse in a heap of bones.

They came to the tree and Janus recognized one of his old neighbors from Oka, the elf Alnos. Alnos told him to come with them and see what was going on. A short distance away, the entire village of Oka was camped out in the desert. They were more than happy to see Janus returned to them, but eventually got to explaining the situation.

About a week ago a giant had entered their village, sent by Callido of Callido City. He claimed he was on his way to destroy the dangerous Tomb of Viconte in the Wilds. However, during his stay he made quite a nuisance of himself, taking food and smashing things. Finally Oka, the village's patron dragon, told the giant to leave. When the giant wouldn't, Oka told the villagers to take their valuables and leave instead, while he fought the giant. So they did so, and as they left they could see a great fight starting, tumbling through the sky towards the Wilds. Nothing had been discovered since.

The inhabitants of Oka were planning to return soon, so they feasted Janus and Janella on what they had brought with them, and Janella impressed everybody with her songs and tales, and Janus was reunited with his family. The two impressed everybody with their hints at a special quest related perhaps to the giant's business, however.


Doors of Logic: 300

Pearl: 150

Wolf Skeleton: 150

Oka and Okans: 50


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