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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Music Transcends Language

Armed with new waterskins and five days' worth of rations, Janus and Janella decided to follow Aldie Jr. back to Aldabrode's cave, to his immense satisfaction. So they set out through the sands of the Dark Moon, which were not monotonous in a literal sense, but most definitely monotonous in the general sense. Aldie told them it would be a four days' trip.

The first night, they debated the merits of keeping watch vs. getting an early start the next day, and eventually decided they should all sleep. Nothing happened during the night.

The next day was much the same. During the night, Janus heard a swishing sound; he leapt up and discovered a scorpion as big as himself heading toward the camp. Still bleary from sleep, he jumped out of its way and slashed at it. Janella woke up in time to give it one poke, but the victory clearly belonged to Janus, who had managed to keep the scorpion from hurting anybody - at least in life. As he was about to drag the dead creature away by the tail, Janella stopped him, and he dragged it away by the non-poisonous foreclaw instead.

The next two days were much the same, except that they all took turns keeping watch.

On the evening of the fourth day, Janus, Janella, and Aldie met the welcome sight of something not-sand. It was a cave, strewn about with silvery flakes. Aldie bounded right in, and there before them was a large silver dragon's head.

Aldabrode spoke to them in a deep voice, wanting to know why they had come. Janus showed him the letter, and quickly explained that its intended recipient, Baredo, was in jail, and so they had followed Aldie back to see what was going on. Aldebrode pondered a moment, and then explained what the letter was about:

“The artifact is the Black Tiller, a piece of the longship which was the first test of Sunstair. It is in the grave of the gnomish hero Lelynne Viconte, who made it only to the first step of Sunstair before being poisoned by the noxious fumes of the waters; her hands grew stiff still clasped about the tiller. The goddess Nassenac, heartbroken, brought her as she was dying towards the White Moon, but made it only to the Dark Moon before Viconte could make it no further. There Nassenac herself built Viconte’s tomb, so that Viconte might die peacefully there and not become a wandering ghost. Later, however, Messna came by and defiled the tomb out of spite (and to maintain a neutral presence on the neutral moon). If the Tiller is recovered and the tomb sanctified a temple to Nassenac may be successfully built there. Most dragons don’t want the gods to interfere here. But I’ve lived long, and even the wisest of dragons is not as wise as the gods, and sometimes even we could use their help.”

Janella, on learning the story, quickly asked if she could help in bringing her goddess's presence back to the moon. Janus, still thinking of his village of Oka, was more reluctant but also expressed interest.

Aldabrode then said they could remain while he contemplated whether their offer of help could actually prove effectual.

The next morning, the three heard a horse outside. Warning Aldie to stay inside in case it was someone from Callido City, they went to investigate. It was a lone horse, a brown mare with a white mane and tail, and very wild. Janus looked at it and just managed to recognize it as a runaway from Oka before it charged him and struck at him with a hoof.

Not wanting to hurt the first thing from his village that he'd seen in years, Janus tried to calm the mare. It worked a little, but it was distracted by an invisible force which Janella dropped on its back, and Janus's next efforts only enraged it further. Seeing that gestures were not going anywhere, Janella pulled out her bagpipes. Oddly enough, the skirling seemed to calm the angry mare, and Janus was able to lead her into the cave.

Aldabrode poked his head out again to inquire what the noise was about. Janus explained about the mare, and Aldabrode suggested that she might be able to lead Janus back to Oka. Janus was unsure of this, but Aldabrode said there was some hope. He also said that there was some hope of them being able to restore the Tomb of Viconte as well; he would describe his plan later that afternoon.


Following Aldie: 100

The Scorpion: 150

Hearing Aldabrode's Story: 300

The Mare: 150

Total Experience: 700


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