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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I am the Mighty Idealist! Fear my Arcane Mark!

The new and improved Idealist! The blurb at the beginning is the same. I added class skills and changed most of the special abilities, though. Whatcha think? (I'm still taking name suggestions, by the way.)

The Idealist
Base Class, original to the Herohaven campaign world

The Idealist sees the innate energy of the world and knows its link with matter and with the spirit. She seeks to use this energy directly, and also to improve the innate qualities of her body and of her spirit. She eschews the use of others to accomplish what she could learn to do herself. She also prefers permanent abilities to temporary powers.
Or, “That Class with all the spell-like abilities.”

Requirements: The Idealist may have as many friends and traveling companions as he likes, and may freely engage in team tactics in any situation. He may not, however, acquire for himself any individual whose sole purpose is to aid him, such as mounts, cohorts, minions, animal companions, familiars, constructs, intelligent weapons, etc. Such an individual may be borrowed for no more than a tenday out of every month. The Idealist may multiclass with classes which supply these individuals and simply choose not to use them. However, if such an individual is ever used for more than a tenday (as a result of multiclassing or not), the Idealist may take no more levels in the Idealist class. No Idealist special abilities are lost.
Any evil act must be atoned for or the Idealist loses all spell-like abilities and may take no further levels in the Idealist class.

Alignment: Any Good
Hit Die: d10
Attack Progression: +1 to +20
Good Will saves
Proficiency with all armors and all martial and simple weapons
Skill Points: 4 + Int. Modifier
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble

All of the following abilities are spell-like abilities used at will, unless otherwise noted. Spell-like abilities have no components, though they do require concentration. They take one standard action and provoke attacks of opportunity. They may not be counterspelled, but they can be dispelled by “dispel magic.” The only requirement for using a spell-like ability is that the creature be able to think clearly.

DC Concentration check = 10 + spell level + damage that round
DC Concentration check while grappled or pinned = 20 + spell level
DC Concentration check for defensive use = 15 + spell level

Level 1: Lay on Hands: every day the Idealist may deal (level X Charisma modifier) hit points of positive energy to heal live characters or to hurt undead ones, distributed as desired (as the Paladin)

Level 2: Unlimited use of “Arcane Mark:” Sign your name to everything!

Level 3: Immunity: Choose Immunity to Disease or Immunity to Poison.

Level 4: Detect Alignment: Choose Detect Good, Detect Evil, Detect Law, or Detect Chaos

Level 5: Improved Physique: This set of special abilities offsets the Idealist’s limited use of mounts. Choose one of the following:
Permanent “Darkvision” ability in color
Permanent “Scent” ability
Permanent “Longstrider” ability
Permanent “Blindsight” ability
Permanent “Swim” ability at normal speed
Permanent “Burrow” ability at normal speed

Level 6: Receive a +5 inherent bonus on every Knowledge check.

Level 7: Make Matter: Choose one of the following:
“Create Air” You can fill a 125 sq. ft. cube with pure air every 6 seconds. If you stand in one place, the pure air travels outward in a straight line, filling your square first. This negates poisons or stenches in the air. If you are under water, the big bubble you create travels upward 10 feet every 6 seconds.
“Create Water;” 2 gallons of pure water pour from your cupped hands every 6 seconds. Both hands must be free to use this ability.
“Create Food” once per day (as the spell “Create Food and Water,” but without the water)

Level 8: Undetectable Alignment: Don’t alert the Baddies to your Good presence!

Level 9: Tirelessness: the Idealist never becomes Exhausted or Fatigued from strenuous activity, as long as she rests normally once per day.

Level 10: Immunity: Choose Immunity to Fear, Immunity to Compulsion Effects, or Immunity to Charm Effects.

Level 11: Engage Matter: Choose one of the following:
Permanent “Feather Fall”
Permanent “Water Walk” (note that this means you cannot submerge yourself in any liquid; you cannot dive or swim)
Permanent “Spider Climb”

Level 12: Zone of Truth: You can project a Zone of Truth at will.

Level 13: Magic Weapon: You add a +1 magical bonus to any unmagical weapon (if it is already magical, the +1 has no effect) you are currently holding, including ammunition. You give the weapon an energy type. If it is already a magical weapon of that type, simply add the additional die. It does not retain this type when not on your person. Choose one of the following:
1d6 Cold damage
1d6 Fire damage
1d6 Force damage
Or, Double the normal, unmagical damage of the weapon

Level 14: Polyglot: You understand, speak, read, and write all languages fluently.

Level 15: Immunity: Choose one energy type to which you are immune: Fire Immunity (increases Cold damage), Cold Immunity (Increases Fire damage), Electrical Immunity (increases Acid damage), Acid Immunity (Increases Electrical damage), Sonic Immunity (increases Gaze attack damage), Gaze Immunity (Increases Sonic attack damage)

Level 16: True Seeing: You see anything altered or hidden by magic.

Level 17: Elemental Attack: You must have at least one hand free to use these spell-like abilities. Choose one of the following:
“Gust of Wind”
“Frost Touch” as a melee touch attack dealing 2d6 Cold damage.
“Fire Touch” as a melee touch attack dealing 2d6 Fire damage.
“Force Touch” as a melee touch attack dealing 2d6 Force damage.
The Frost, Fire, and Force touches deal 2d6 damage every round of a grapple, but not when the Idealist is pinned.
“Magnetism:” If you are within 30 feet of any iron or partially iron or cold iron object which weighs less than your maximum load, you may attempt to make it fly to your hand at the rate of 10 feet every 6 seconds. If the item is stuck in any way, make a Strength check. Use opposed strength checks in a disarm attempt. The DC for an item stuck in any other way is left to the DM’s discretion. If you attract a creature wearing iron armor or gauntlets (which cannot be disarmed), you begin grappling when it reaches you.

Level 18: Mind Blank: Your mind cannot be read.

Level 19: Conquer Matter: Choose one of the following:
Permanent “Fly”
Permanent “Water Breathing”
Permanent “Walk through Stone”

Level 20: Glorious Aspect: You glow with positive energy, shedding bright light for 60 feet around you. This Aura of Positive Energy continuously expresses itself as light (you choose the color), and it allows you to deal 1d8 Force Damage, 1d8 Holy Damage (Evil creatures take full damage, Neutral half, Good none), and 1d8 Electric Damage with a successful melee touch attack. You deal this damage every round when you are grappling and when you are pinned. Note: If you don’t want to glow, wear gloves (reduces light by 50%) and a helmet, hood, or hat (reduces light by 50%). The glow is not immediately obvious under bright sunlight, but you have no shadow.

Explanation of the special abilities gained at each level: Level 1 and Level 20 illustrate the initial and the final connection with positive energy. The other odd-numbered levels reflect improvement of the body and interaction with matter. The other even-numbered levels reflect improvement of the spirit and interaction with mind.


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