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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Idealist

I know it isn't quite done yet; I still need to pick skills and a hit die and better define some of the special abilities I made up. But, what do you think?

The Idealist sees the innate energy of the world and knows its link with matter and with the spirit. She seeks to use this energy directly, and also to improve the innate qualities of her body and of her spirit. She eschews the use of others to accomplish what she could learn to do herself. She also prefers permanent abilities to temporary powers.
Or, “That Class with all the spell-like abilities.”

Requirements: The Idealist may have as many friends and traveling companions as he likes, and may freely engage in team tactics in any situation. He may not, however, acquire for himself any individual whose sole purpose is to aid him, such as mounts, cohorts, minions, animal companions, familiars, constructs, intelligent weapons, etc. Such an individual may be borrowed for no more than a tenday out of every month. The Idealist may multiclass with classes which supply these individuals and simply choose not to use them. However, if such an individual is ever used for more than a tenday (as a result of multiclassing or not), the Idealist may take no more levels in the Idealist class. No Idealist special abilities are lost.
Any evil act must be atoned for or the Idealist loses all spell-like abilities and may take no further levels in the Idealist class.

Alignment: Any Good
Attack Progression: +1 to +20
Good Will saves
Proficiency with all armors and all martial and simple weapons

All of the following abilities are spell-like abilities used at will, unless otherwise noted. They have no components. Spell-like abilities cannot be counterspelled or dispelled, but can be detected with “detect magic” and blocked by an antimagic field.

Level 1: Lay on Hands: every day the Idealist may deal (level X Charisma modifier) hit points of positive energy to heal live characters or to hurt undead ones, distributed as desired (as the Paladin)
Level 3: Keen Senses: Choose +10 inherent bonus to either Spot or Listen
Level 5: Control Physique: Choose either Permanent Haste, Permanent Spider Climb, or Permanent Feather Fall
Level 7: Lesser Spirit Sight: Choose Detect Good, Detect Evil, Detect Law, or Detect Chaos
Level 9: Lesser Restoration: once per day
Level 11: Tirelessness: The Idealist does not become Exhausted or Fatigued
Level 13: Hand of the Elements: Choose one of the following:
Vine Fingers makes a twist of vines grow wherever at least one finger has traced a pattern. The Idealist may trace the vines at her normal rate of movement, but they grow at a rate of 5 feet per 6 seconds. They can grow straight up for 5 feet, and can stretch 30 feet between two anchors. They decrease a Climb or Balance check DC by 5, and may also be used as rope.
Wind Fist delivers a gust of wind in one direction, necessitating a Balance Check for Small or smaller characters.
Heat Hand allows hands to shed light as torches, and to keep the Idealist and up to two other characters, who hold her hands, warm in cold environments.
Water Pitcher allows the Idealist to pour pure water out of her cupped hands at the rate of 1 gallon every 6 seconds. Both hands must be used.
Level 15: Greater Spirit Sight: Choose Detect Lies or Zone of Truth
Level 17: Greater Restoration: once per day
Level 19: Conquer Matter: Choose one of the following:
Walk through Stone, at will. (i.e. you don’t have to fall through the floor!)
Permanent Fly
Fiery Touch, at will: anything you touch that can catch on fire does (i.e. you don’t have to set the rug on fire!). On a successful melee touch attack, your hands deal 2d6 fire damage. If you are holding something in one hand, your free hand deals 1d6 fire damage. If you are grappling, your body deals 2d8 fire damage for every round of the grapple. You are immune to fire damage.
Permanent Breathe Under Water
Level 20: Righteous Aspect: You deal 1d6 Holy damage to any Evil creature within 5 feet of your person, administered by and in addition to one of the following:
Electric Illumination: You illuminate the area around you for 60 feet in every direction with your snapping sparks (you choose the color). Every unfriendly creature within 60 feet must succeed on a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1 round. You deal 1d4 Electricity damage to every unfriendly creature within 5 feet. Wearing both a body covering (cloak, coat) and a head covering (hat, helmet) nullifies all offensive effects of this special ability (illumination, dazzle, holy damage, electrical damage). You are immune to electrical damage.
Melodious Voice: When you speak with a Melodious Voice, all unfriendly creatures within hearing must succeed on a Fortitude save or be fascinated for the duration of your speech or song, causing them to approach you peacefully and voluntarily. You deal 1d4 Sonic damage to every unfriendly creature within 5 feet. A creature is allowed a new save every time it takes damage (from your voice or from anything else). Remaining silent nullifies all offensive effects of this special ability (fascination, sonic damage, holy damage). You are immune to sonic damage
Wholesome Air: You may give off a Wholesome Air or a Poisoned Air. You can change the properties of a 125 ft. cube of air in 6 seconds, either moving to each new area or letting the air spread out from you in a cone shape. When you poison an area of air, any creature occupying it must succeed on a Fortitude save or become sickened, and take 1d3 damage per round. It must make a new save every round it remains in a poisoned area. When you make an area of air wholesome, you negate any effects of stench or poison in the air and allow any one creature in the area (including yourself) to regain 1d3 hit points. After a creature has benefited from an area of wholesome air, the air remains pure but can no longer heal. Any effects in the air are effectively dispersed after 1 minute unless you are in an airtight area.

The Epic Idealist: at every odd-numbered level, the Epic Idealist may cycle through the Special Abilities again and select another Special Ability, skipping the levels that offer no new choices. (i.e., at level 21 he can gain the bonus to Spot if he first chose Listen; at level 27 he can choose another Hand of the Elements).


Blogger Unknown said...

Reconsider Permanent Haste... An extra attack on each full round attack, +30 Move Speed, +1 AC, +1 Attack Rolls, and +1 Reflex Saves is HUGE. There are no items that give continuous haste... Boots of Speed only allow its use for 10 rounds, and they are priced at 12,000gp. This would turn any character, much less one with a full BAB progression, into an unstoppable melee fighter.

7:37 PM  

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