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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Quite Batty

Starq knocked on Marigold’s door once again. He asked her if there was anyone else Condros might have told his plans. She said that he was free to ask, but if Condros had confided in anyone more than in his own sister, she’d have a word with him when he got back.
Erannar volunteered to climb a tree with the Staff of Divination, in order to get it above the disruptive effects of the whirling water about the millwheel. When he attempted to rotate while standing on a branch, however, he fell down. Starq reclaimed the staff and used it from the top of a nearby hill. He focused on Condros’ black-eyed, red-haired visage, and sensed that the Sorcerer was northeast of Filo, and pacing back and forth.
Starq eagerly urged the party to set out at once to rescue Condros, who was perhaps imprisoned. They agreed, and made good speed until midnight, when they camped. Having naught but their cloaks to shield them, Starq opted to sleep in a tree. The others stayed on the ground, Eltana protected by her wolf and the two Elves taking the watches. Erannar, to his annoyance, saw and heard not a thing, while Dreneil sighted a distant Unicorn. In the morning, Dreneil woke Starq by shaking him out of his tree. The others awoke and ate breakfast. The party continued northeast, seeing occasional goblin faces scratched into the tree trunks. Erannar successfully hunted a wild boar to feed the party, and Starq levitated a cracker out of Dreneil’s bag to feed Varen. The night passed uneventfully. In the next three days of traveling, Dreneil also successfully caught a young wild ox. Naught but a small infestation of mice, easily shooed away, occurred during the night. Families and pasts were also discussed, yielding the names of Starq Joiner, Erannar Wayfarer, Dreneil Wayfairer, and Eltana self-named Wolfriend (having left the name of Greyroot behind).
The ground became stonier and hillier. Starq sent his raven, Varen, to scout. The raven reported (in Elven) that a stony gorge was ahead, with two goblins in it. Erannar moved forward stealthily to check it out, and discovered that the gorge was a kind of entrance, protected from above by slim windows for archers. Three small holes punctured the hillside somewhat to the south of the Main Entrance. Erannar came back and reported. Varen was dispatched again to check out the holes. He noted that one seemed to lead to a room filled with birds, and the other two opened on a room full of lots of wolves and one goblin. After some debate, the party agreed to try the hole over the birds. Looking in, Erannar could see that the hole was like a skylight window for a long room full of poultry. At the far end, a large passageway went to the right and a lot of junk covered the wall. The adventurers dropped through the window into the midst of the birds. They thoroughly searched the room, discovering that the mess against the far wall contained several useful items: one everburning torch, one regular torch, two tanglefoot bags, a four-man tent, two coils of rope, an iron pot, a map with the current location of Cothbode marked on it, a barrel of corn for the chickens, and two medium spiked gauntlets. Starq appraised all the items and took a coil of rope. Dreneil took the regular torch and the gauntlets; Erannar took the everburning torch. All replenished their rations with the corn.
Of more note, the search yielded the presence of a large crack in the wall behind some boards. A bat squeaked on the other side. The party removed the boards and went into the crack, carefully covering the entrance again. The crack tunneled steeply down until Erannar, in the lead, was attacked by a swarm of bats. Starq managed to get off a magic missile before he was dropped. Eltana healed him, but he was rendered unconscious again before he could do anything else. As the bats flew back and forth attacking people, Dreneil remembered that fire harmed them. She swung her torch and Erannar lit one of his own and joined her. The two of them attacked the bats as Eltana also succumbed to their bites and was carried into a small cave by her wolf Blade. Erannar dispersed the last of the creatures and helped the others into the cave. They rested there for five days, stealing back up to the poultry room to replenish their food until they regained their strength.

Experience Points:
Using the Staff: 10
Discussing Family History: 10
Entering the Goblin Settlement: 40
Bat Swarm: 150
Staying in the Cave: 30

Total: 240


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