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Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Hi, there! Captain Shar welcomes you aboard the Noumenal Blade. She's the fastest ship in all of Herohaven.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Inlet of Avarnor

Janus sailed the ship around the island for the next day, giving everyone a day to rest before attempting to fight their way through the haunted shipwrecks and skeletons congregated on the shore. As they made their way around the shore they discovered the ships had been pushed away from the delta of a deep creek. They sailed up the delta, which was nice and deep according to Idril's request.

A vision of a pirate queen reflected off the running water and spoke. "Over the river is through the woods, and grandmother's house will glow."

"I hope we don't run into a sandbar," said Haden. The ship struck hidden ground. And then chaos broke out. A bunch of twenty-shaped clouds floated across the sky. "This doesn't make any sense!" shouted Janus as pennies dropped onto his head. They soon stopped wishing for money after coins sped like bullets down on their heads. "Oh crap," said Haden...and then wished he hadn't as a mud-colored golem surfaced for a moment. Laseda figured out the smartest thing to do, which was get the ship unstuck and properly moored.

Some unwished-for pixies then arrived on the scene, flourishing tiny bows and requesting help to defeat a large and dangerous jelly. Idril, Laseda, and Janella were thrilled with the tiny creatures and agreed to help after getting shot with an ineffectual arrow. "Just sail after us!" they said. Janus reluctantly turned the ship into the shore and found smooth sailing between mangrove trees.

The pixies escorted the ship to the entrance of a small vine-covered cave. Pixies frolicked outside and a large feasting table was set in the center - but it was covered with a thick yellow gelatinous slab. Idril and Laseda looked at it for a while and decided the best idea was to pull the roof down on it. After clearing this idea with the pixies, Idril directed her mangroves to take hold of the brilliant stalactites. The resulting crash smashed half of the jelly to bits. The rest of it regrouped angrily and started climbing the cavern wall. Laseda jumped in and smacked it with a new club from Idril, while Janus requested the same type of weapon. Janella magically dropped a shard on the thing's head, which made it slide back in reach for Haden to smack. Idril was busy fashioning wooden clubs for Janus, so the other members busily attacked it. Eventually, the thing fell into the water and was pulverized enough to stop moving, but not before Idril had sucked the poison from it and made it edible.

The pixies rejoiced in lemon jelly and their new expanded feasting hall. To thank the pirates, they gave them a small bag of emeralds from "up there" and pointed at the cavern roof. The small cracks were now opened to reveal the start of a tunnel system which the adventurers climbed up to investigate, using a trick rope or manly muscles, alternately.

In the cavern, they did a little "men in tights dance," at which Janus was so horrible that the pixies cast a dancing spell on him. Jogging along, they soon came upon the skeletons of six forlorn souls of the tunnels, also dancing from the pixies but still with sharp claws. These were soon struck down or eaten away, and the party continued until coming up against a blank wall.

A spell from Janella revealed it to be clear into a room of paints, pots, scrolls, and drawing tools. Laseda pushed Janus in and he made the unfortunate discovery that the magic door was one way only. So Janella pushed Laseda in to keep him company and then got pulled in herself, leaving Haden and Idril to collect some supplies from the ship before plunging after.


Speaking to the Water: 250
Figuring it out (Laseda): 50

Level 4's:
Jelly: 320
Skeletons: 120

Level 5's:
Jelly: 300
Skeletons: 120